The UN imposed economic sanction on the country for it violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议,所以联合国对它进行经济制裁。
The daily necessities are becoming a problem in this country because of the current economic sanction. 由于目前的经济制裁,该国的日常用品供应正成为问题。
However, as great changes have taken place in Chinese political and economic fields, the administrative compulsory measure of reeducation through labor has evolved into a legal means of sanction placed on the same par with criminals 'forced labor reform. 但随着我国政治、经济等方面发生的巨大变化,劳动教养这一行政强制措施,也已逐步演变成为一种与对罪犯进行强制劳动改造相提并论的法律制裁手段。
Economic sanction has become the important means of the international interference after cold war instead of military sanction; 经济制裁取代军事手段成为冷战后国际干预的重要手段;
An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD. 大量动物死亡以及因口蹄疫而引起其他无疫情国家的贸易壁垒将会给经济带来沉重的打击。
Using the gravitation model and based on the data of America and other 61 observed countries in 2004, this paper analyzes on the effect of carrying out the single-side economic sanction for other countries on the trade flow of America. 运用引力模型,以美国和其他61个被观测国家2004年的数据为基础,分析了美国实施对外单边经济制裁对美国贸易流量的影响。
In order to prevent the war's expansion, the USA began to apply some economic sanction against Japan. 为了阻止战争的进一步扩大,美国对日本实施了一定程度的经济制裁。
The United States will continue to pursue a policy of containment through economic sanction and political isolation. 布什政府很可能继续坚持并强化对伊朗实施经济制裁和政治孤立的遏制政策,联合欧盟、国际原子能机构和国际社会共同迫使伊朗放弃核与导弹发展计划。
Market economic position issue has becoming a kind of discrimination treatment and a right of sanction in the environment of the WTO. 市场经济地位问题在WTO的环境中,已经成为一种歧视性待遇,成为反倾销中制裁的权利。
In the face of Iran's nuclear challenge, Israel has three options: economic sanction, military attack and nuclear coexistence with Iran. 面对伊朗核问题对自身的安全挑战,以色列有经济制裁、军事打击和与伊朗核共处三种选择。
The counter investigation act is the offenders or relevant personnel of criminal act and economic crime implement in the stage of criminal activity and investigation in order to conceal consequence of breaking laws and escape legal sanction, which interfere the investigation. 反侦查行为是指在刑事犯罪和经济犯罪中的作案人或相关人员在实施犯罪活动阶段以及侦查阶段,为了掩盖违法犯罪后果,逃避法律制裁所实施的对侦查工作具有干扰性的行为。
As a kind of foreign policy tool with much controversy, the imposition of International economic sanction has reallocation effects in power and wealth among different actors, the externalities resulted from which will inevitably influences the effectiveness of sanctions. 作为一项颇受争议的对外政策工具,国际经济制裁的实施对不同行为体之间的权力和财富具有再分配的效果,由此而导致的外部性不可避免地会影响其效率。
The rightfulness of economic sanction was rarely studied in the past days so that there was no specific definition. 但是在过去的研究中,制裁的正当性较少被涉及,对于什么是正当的制裁,学界没有一个明确的定义。
According to the modern international law, economic sanction is considered as a compulsory means in order to achieve the national value. 现在国际法中较多认为经济制裁是一种经济强制手段,用以实现国家的外交政策。
Because patents can bring considerable economic benefits, it is easy to become the object of tort. Damages is a legal sanction for a violation of the law, Infringement of property rights or Personal rights. 由于专利权能够带来可观的经济利益,很容易成为侵权的客体。
Next, from the economic rules and regulations concept, the controlled member, the sanction method, the function angle, the flaw product recalls system is supposed to belong to the economic rules and regulations domain in the law territory category. 其次,从经济法概念、调整对象、制裁方法、作用的角度看缺陷产品召回制度在法域范畴中应属于经济法领域。
The main characters of the Public Interest Economic Litigation such as the objective litigation attribute, the multi-subject in litigation, the specialization of the litigation regulation and the integration of sanction means are analyzed. 分析了公益经济诉讼的客观诉讼属性、诉讼主体多元化、诉讼规则特别化、制裁手段一体化等主要特征。